Friday, May 20, 2011


The scorer performs his/her functions seated at the scorer’s table on the opposite side of and facing the first
referee (Diagram 6).
The scorer fills in the scoresheet according to the Rules, in cooperation with the second referee.
27.2.1 Prior to the match and set, the scorer registers the data of the match and teams, according to procedures in force and obtains the signatures of the captains.
27.2.2 During the match, the scorer:
a) records the points scored and ensures that the scoreboard indicates the right score,
b) monitors the serving order as each player performs his/her service in the set,
c) indicates the serving order of each team by displaying a sign numbered 1 or 2
corresponding to the player to serve. The scorer indicates any error to the referees
d) records the time-outs checking the number of such, and informs the second referee,
e) notifies the referees of a request for time-out that is improper (Rule 19.4),
f ) announces to the referees the end of the sets and the court switches.
27.2.3 At the end of the match, the scorer:
a) records the final result,
b) signs the scoresheet, obtains the signatures of the team captains and then the referees,
c) in the case of a protest (Rule 6.1.7.a), writes or permits the person concerned to write
remarks on the scoresheet pertaining to the incident being protested.

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