Friday, May 20, 2011


17.1.1 All actions to direct the ball towards the opponent, except when serving and blocking, are
considered attack-hits.
17.1.2 An attack-hit is completed the moment the ball completely crosses the vertical plane of
the net or is touched by the blocker.
17.1.3 Any player may carry out an attack-hit at any height, provided that his/her contact with
the ball has been made within the player’s own playing space (except Rule 17.2.4 below).
17.2.1 A player hits the ball within the playing space of the opposing team (Rule 15.1.2).
17.2.2 A player hits the ball “out” (Rule 11.4).
17.2.3 A player completes an attack-hit using an “open-handed tip or dink” directing the ball
with the fingers.
17.2.4 A player completes an attack-hit on the opponent’s service, when the ball is entirely
above the top of the net.
17.2.5 A player completes an attack-hit using an overhand pass, which has a trajectory not
perpendicular to the line of the shoulders, except when setting his or her teammate.

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