Friday, May 20, 2011


6.1.1 Participants must know the Official Beach Volleyball Rules and abide by them.
6.1.2 Participants must accept referees’ decisions with respectful conduct, without disputing
them. In case of doubt, clarification may be requested.
6.1.3 Participants must behave respectfully and courteously in the spirit of FAIR PLAY, not only
towards the referees, but also towards other officials, their teammate, the opponents,
and spectators.
6.1.4 Participants must refrain from actions or attitudes aimed at influencing the decisions of
the referees or covering up faults committed by their team.
6.1.5 Participants must refrain from actions aimed at delaying the game.
6.1.6 Communication between team members during the match is permitted.
6.1.7 During the match, both players are authorized to speak to the referees while the ball is
out of play (Rule 6.1.2) in the 3 following cases:
a) To ask for an explanation on the application or interpretation of the Rules. If the
explanation does not satisfy the players, either one must immediately indicate to the first
referee their wish to institute a Protest Protocol.
b) To ask authorization:
• to change uniforms or equipment,
• to verify the number of the serving player,
• to check the net, the ball, the surface etc.,
• to realign a court line.
c) To request time-outs (Rule 19.3).
Note: the players must have authorization from the referee to leave the playing area.
6.1.8 At the end of the match:
a) Both players thank the referees and the opponents.
b) If either player previously requested a Protest Protocol to the first referee, he/she has the
right to confirm it as a protest, having it recorded on the scoresheet (Rule 6.1.7 a) above).
6.2.1 Prior to the match, the team captain:
a) Signs the scoresheet.
b) Represents his/her team in the coin toss.
6.2.2 At the end of the match, the team captain verifies the results by signing the scoresheet.
The player’s chairs must be 5 m from the sideline, and no closer than 3 m from the
scorer’s table.

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