Friday, May 20, 2011


The playing area includes the playing court and the free zone.
1.1.1 The playing court is a rectangle measuring 16 x 8 m, surrounded by a free zone with a
minimum of 3 m wide and with a space free from any obstruction up to a height of a
minimum of 7 m from the playing surface.
1.1.2 For FIVB World Competitions, the playing court is a rectangle measuring 16 x 8 m,
surrounded by a free zone with a minimum of 5 m and a maximum of 6 m from the end
lines / side lines and with a space free from any obstruction up to a minimum height of
12.5 m from the playing surface.
1.2.1 The terrain must be composed of leveled sand, as flat and uniform as possible, free
of rocks, shells and anything else, which can represent risks of cuts or injuries to the
1.2.2 For FIVB World Competitions the sand must be at least 40 cm deep and composed of
fine loosely compacted grains.
1.2.3 The playing surface must not present any danger of injury to the players.
1.2.4 For FIVB World Competitions the sand should also be sifted to an acceptable size not
too coarse, free of stones and dangerous particles. It should not be too fine to cause
dust and stick to the skin.
1.2.5 For FIVB World Competitions a tarp to cover the central court is recommended in case of
1.3.1 Two sidelines and two end lines mark the playing court. Both side and end lines are
placed inside the dimensions of the playing court.
1.3.2 There is NO centerline.
1.3.3 All lines are 5-8 cm wide.
1.3.4 The lines must be of a color, which contrasts sharply with the color of the sand.
1.3.5 Court lines should be ribbons made of a resistant material, and any exposed anchors
should be of a soft, flexible material.
The service zone is the area behind the end line and between the extensions of the two
sidelines. In depth, the service zone extends to the end of the free zone.
The weather must not present any danger of injury to the players.
For official international competitions played during the night, the lighting on the
playing area should be 1,000 to 1,500 lux measured at 1 m above the playing surface.
For FIVB World Competitions, the technical supervisor, the referee delegate, and the
tournament director shall decide if any of the above conditions present any danger of
injury to the players.

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